This is a conflicting message. Never in one week has so much happened that we could inform you about. And rarely have we had so little to announce. Last weeks have been a rollercoaster at AB, where first we could still organise concerts for 480 people, and then for 200, and now for none. And in the meantime our entire country is in lockdown again.
After the decision by the Federal Government on Thursday, 22 October, it was mainly a feeling of relief that hung in the hallways at AB. At least, we were allowed to remain open for a limited audience. This has now changed, but we fully understand and follow the new measures that the Government Brussels-Capital Region announced 24 hours later. In concrete terms, this means that we are forced to close our doors again in the conviction that this is the way to help to build a protective margin around the (bearing capacity of the) hospitals. After careful consideration and in an effort to bring some stability to audiences, artists, and personnel, we have decided to cancel all concerts and public events until December 31. Of course, we do this with a piercing pain in our musical heart as, in addition to our audience, we must also bring bad news to a large number of musicians again. And it is especially they who have had such difficulty making ends meet ever since the outbreak of the pandemic....
When the first wave of Corona flooded the country back in March (which seems like an eternity ago), the cultural sector in Brussels was faster than our governments to go into a lockdown. Today, we feel better equipped to receive audiences and artists in a safe manner. But if the numbers turn blood red, then we too must adjust our ambitions. Aside from the physical health crisis we are currently experiencing, there is also a mental health crisis in the making. It is less visible and less tangible, but no less disruptive. It is precisely to contain those feelings of depression, isolation, and a lack of meaning that sport, culture, and music play a crucial role. So we are making ourselves ready to commence the new year with new courage and new concerts.
We wish everyone who needs medical care right now, or who is trying to keep their head above water as a healthcare provider, much courage. The desire to see everyone healthy and well again grows every day. But for now: lock yourself down and take care!
Tom Bonte (General Manager)
Take care of yourself and your emotions .