Choice notes & a soaring voice à la Kate, Joanna, Florence..
What an aurally agreeable voice! Definitely something for the countless Kate Bush, Joanna Newsom, Florence + the Machine fans... That quasi fragile but oh so sure timbre that effortlessly peaks in just the right places. It could make you lyrical. But this (only just adult) American immediately knows how to win hearts with her remarkable pop-compositions, finely detailed production and, again, that voice (that you won't exactly tire of quickly.)
Following 'Sister Wife', a first modest EP, now the real debut CD 'Alex Winston' has finally arrived (via V2) and on it you can further enjoy that faultless production work by a hip team that calls themselves The Knocks (see too: Rihanna, Ellie Goulding...)
It was a long time (after Motown and house?) since that something so warm and promising had reached us from Detroit USA. Or as recently noted in De Standaard: 'she sings so highly and childishly that anyone would drop everything for her... as if she escaped from a fairly-tale or a musical.' Get a hold of her!
Support-act will be the extremely intriguing Adomas and The Mittens. Artistic Lithuanians with a homebase in Brussels. Musically and visually, they fall somewhere between electronic, cabaret and self-expression, between popular and conceptual. A one-off: in the ABClub as a duo.