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Noorse indie queen presenteert debuutalbum
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Artist statement
girl in red has announced some rescheduled dates for 2023 but unfortunate this does not include The Brussels shows so she has to cancel this for now.
hey guys
after my US tour ended on the 25th of april, i went to a throat specialist in Norway who said i had nodular damage to my vocal cords. he told me that singing would increasingly get harder for me, but because i didn’t want to disappoint everyone coming to my EU/UK shows, i left for the tour two days later. today i saw another specialist in London, who strongly advised me to go back home, see a speech therapist and essentially relearn the way i speak and use my voice. if not, i might have to get surgery.
i don’t want to cancel any more shows. i don’t want to be perceived as an artist or person that can’t do what they set out to do. because i know in my heart that once i say i’m gonna do a show, i’m gonna do the show! this tour was postponed because of covid, missing you guys, and also knowing how excited you guys were to see me, makes this a really fucking hard decision to make. i seriously cannot stress how much this breaks my heart. i feel an overwhelming sense of letting you guys down, but as of right now, its out of my control. what i do have control over is what i can do moving forward, and i’m going to do everything i can to avoid this ever happening again.
i love you
Een Liveurope concert:
Het eerste Europese initiatief dat concertzalen ondersteunt bij de promotie van opkomend muzikaal talent uit Europa.
De amper 22-jarige Marie Ulven veroverde in 2018 het internet met haar debuut-ep 'chapter 1'. Drie jaar later is het tijd voor haar debuutalbum "if i could make it go quiet" waarvan de single 'serotonin' (geproduceerd door Finneas, de broer en songwriter van niemand minder dan Billie Eilish) alvast een voosmaakje is. De uit Noorwegen afkomstige girl in red schitterde al vroeg op de middag op Pukkelpop en is nu helemaal klaar voor het AB-podium!