Nouvelle date: 06/10/2024
Ce concert a été reporté.
Communication de l'artiste:
Hi WAEVEYBbys, I hope you are having a great start to the week because I come bearing heavy news! I have to announce something that I have never had to do before:
the Love is War Tour will not be happening next week!
you’re probably wondering why is she doing this a week before the tour is supposed to start? It seems mad, but there's a valid reason. As my loyal fans know, I’m an independent artist + since the beginning of my musical journey that started 7 years ago, I have never had to fully Call off a whole tour.
I have been working myself into the ground to ensure that all the planning, production and costings were ready to go so I could put on the best show In every city. But it's become clearer and clearer as each day passes, that to achieve the showS this project deserves, right now it will not be financially viable for me to execute.
With a big crew to pay, production costs rISing by the day and last minute changes to the team, I would be putting myself in a very risky financial position.
With the current state of the world, and everything happening behind the scenes that’s out of my control,
I’ve realised my mental health and well being has to be my number one priority - this whole situation has been causing me a lot of stress and anxiety.
Giving a great show will always be my number one priority! I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without your support! So I have to be transparent. I tried to make it work til the very last week - quite literally!
I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who made travel arrangements, who went out of their way to show me support. But the love is war tour in February Will 100% not be happening.
Me and my new production team are Working diligently to still run a tour in the second half of the year. I will have updates for you as soon as possible regarding the shows + your tickets. New dates are still pending.
“Love is War Volume 6" is still dropping February 29th 2024. I’m really going to war to be able to give you these shows. Keeping it G even when it's uncomfortable, Stay Waevey!
Basée à Manchester, IAMDDB est une artiste aux multiples talents : à la fois chanteuse, compositrice, actrice et icône de la mode, elle refuse de se cantonner à un médium particulier. Inspirée par Bob Marley, elle porte un message centré sur les femmes noires et articulé autour de thématiques telles que la liberté, l’amour, l’authenticité et l’empowerment.
Son nouvel album, Love is War: Vol. 6, s’enracine dans un hip-hop/jazz gorgé de soul, désinhibé, affranchi de toute définition contraignante d’identité ou de genre. Vol. 6 célèbre la femme qui désire donner libre cours à ses sensations sur l’infini spectre de l’expérience humaine. Une femme dont la vitalité nie la singularité tout autant que la dualité.