Dans un monde en évolution permanente et dans une ville aussi diversifiée et multiculturelle que Bruxelles, la musique a le pouvoir de rassembler les gens. À travers une série de discussions, l’AB, Horst et la KU Leuven examinent les défis sociétaux et cherchent des solutions à travers le prisme de la musique et de la vie culturelle nocturne.
Lundi 16 novembre 2020 nous avons organisé la première débat en ligne sur le sujet: Decolonising music & nightlife culture. Regardez le débat ci-dessous:
AB a voulu répondre à certaines des questions qui ont été posées au cours du débat. Lisez notre réponse ci-dessous:
We would like to thank the panel and all viewers for contributing to this inspiring debate.
This event is the first step towards a better understanding and a brighter future. We know we have a long way ahead of us, but we do begin this process with sincere intentions. By organizing this talk we aimed to build knowledge and raise awareness, within AB, the music industry, and among our audience. We are challenging ourselves to make time and space in our artistic program, to educate ourselves even further, and to take action.
The AB staff has followed yesterday’s debate closely and is willing to work on its blind spots. This is very much a learning process. We are gaining knowledge day by day, not only by organizing these kinds of conversations on a public platform but also by addressing the topic behind the scenes.
At the moment we are looking into concrete next steps in fighting systemic racism. We feel it’s important to continue to listen, to keep connecting, and to move in the right direction, step by step.
Thanks once again and speak soon.