On 26.03 there is BHM x AB: Sebene Night !
Black History Month Belgium (BHM) and AB join forces to present a ‘Sebene Night’! In partnership with ‘Kingdom of Kela’, an Antwerp organisation with a solid reputation in the Afro-dance world, we’re holding a major celebration with lots of music and dancing.
- Rabba (Host)
- Dj Ramos Sama (DJ)
- The Monsters (dance crew)
- RabbaDance & The Kingz & Guests.(liveband & dance)
- VillaNova EL Paris (liveband & dance)
The same day there is the BHM x AB Screening: The Rumba Kings at cinema Palace. A documentary about Congo's real treasure . You can win a duoticket for both the Sebene Night + The Rumba Kings. You just have to give the right answer to next question: