There's no support act for Chic. But those attending this funky concert on Monday June 13 are advised to stop by the AB Club too. As that's where the letter F is!
Or rather: this is one of the seven enlarged letters from the wonderful 7x7 project by artist Jean Pierre Muller from Brussels. With exclusive, elusive, especially-composed music by Nile Rodgers. Plus, even more impressive: that music is a part of the artwork! Those who approach the piece activate the sound and, at the same time, become aware of an abundance of witty and relevant references within the fine painting.
Indigo Harlem Nights, that's what Nile Rodgers' music is called. Those who take a closer look at the images on Jean Pierre Muller's sculpture will enjoy recognizing elements of jazz and dance, astronomy, cultural life in Harlem New York, Saturday night, Black Panther, indigo, jeans… Feel free to compare the intriguing process with the extremely detailed Flemish Primitives.
That's how the entire 7x7 installation is composed: each piece represents one of the musical notes - here thus the F (alias the Fa) - with one dominant colour and a reference to one of the days of the week. Plus, an appropriate piece of music in that particular key and from a different composer each time too, namely: Robert Wyatt, Terry Riley, Archie Shepp, Mulatu Astatke, Kassin, Sean O'Hagan and of course Nile Rodgers. With recurring references to the number seven each time as well (just think: the seven dwarfs or the seven samurai …)
Can you follow? Then drop by and enjoy what you see and hear. By the way, this letter F from they 7x7 project is only an exclusive avant-premiere, as the entire installation has its real premiere after the summer, in London. Chic!
More info to be had via Zedes gallery.