Dig it: beef-and-boogie guitar-driven retro rock
A pack of valiant Canadian rockers. Back in the club two years on. With their new CD ‘Changing Colours’ and, above all, with lots more 'guitar-driven modern-day retro rock' alias resolute 'feel-good vocal harmonizing and nasty guitar jamming' alias (bis) 'beef-and-boogie twin-axe riffs, hooks, shuffles and long-haired aesthetic.'
Fun fact
You’re thinking 'lazy hippies'? Not really. But they are honest about their work ethic “We would work until we were bored or tired. Then we would stop.”They played here for the first time as support-act to Band Of Skulls, De Morgen wrote at the time: “Nee, doe ons dan maar voorprogramma The Sheepdogs..!”