The clock impatiently counts down for ‘Minutes to Midnight’…
The Meeuwis brothers take their time. In the wake of the grandiose ‘Vanguard’ (from ’08), and unbounded by artistic compromises, one of the country's most unusual and innovative bands, The Sedan Vault, has been working on a successor. Bordering between indie and electro, the trio experimented with a load of analogue synths and progressive drum rhythms while the masterful Richard Woodcraft – who recorded bands like Radiohead, Grinderman, The Last Shadow Puppets and Arctic Monkeys – accompanied them on their quest for the perfect sound and the perfect song.
The fruits of all that hard labour, ‘Minutes to Midnight’, will soon see the light of day and the first introduction to this new work (at Pukkelpop ’13) was certainly much savoured! “Geen spatje roest op de podiumpresence, stevig rockend flirten met electro zonder het ooit op een goedkoop rampetampen te zetten – faut le faire” was to be read in Humo’s 3* review. The Meeuwis brothers have taken their time, but genius doesn't happen in a day and the trio has proven it yet again with ‘Minutes to Midnight’.
Those who want to get hold of the new album for a good price, including a ticket for this release show, can best hurry themselves off to:
Ticket + CD:
Ticket + LP:
The two Liverpudlians from Adronite (one of which is originally from Leuven) drag us along on a welcome trip of moody, live-presented ambient in which they wink to their idols Mount Kimbie, Four Tet, Shlohmo and Jamie XX. In a world full of 'same old, same old', these two youngsters are merrily in search of their own sound and we can only cheer that on! To be discovered, with thanks to The Sedan Vault - who personally chose Adronite as support-act.