Dabke disco dance sensation from Syria!
Humo after a visit to Pukkelpop: 'Experienced something in the Castello, but not entirely sure what it was. One thing is sure: we want to undergo it again.'
So, finally returning, after his 'Car-less' ABConcert of September 2011, our favourite Syrian artist, with his dabke alias wedding music alias infectious disco.
Even more Humo: 'superstar... exotic, and extremely minimal at the same time...
dabke with a thick layer of eurodance.... and a party drenched in honest sweat...
A Souleyman show initially appears to be little more than a mobile disco plus a strange guy up front on stage. And strange guys are funny. But: it works. And Omar Souleyman isn’t just any old strange guy either. Souleyman-strange is a subgenre in itself. In an other life, he was doorman in a shisha-bar.
The thing is... It’s a calling or it’s not... What sometimes sounds a bit like trashy Eurodance, is in fact a fantastic blend of just the right ingredients to achieve just one goal: getting the party cranked up. You don’t necessarily feel or appreciate Omar’s music in your head, maybe not even in your heart – but it certainly strikes your belly.
Omar Souleyman is there for everyone. Omar was fantastic.'