Mr. Space Lord in top form on new album ‘Last Patrol’!
‘Grandfather of stoner rock’ Dave Wyndorf showed himself to be the most alert of the seniors at the Lokerse Feesten and blew both Alice Cooper and Deep Purple from their crutches and from the stage with his Monster Magnet. De Morgen pinned four stars to his lapel for that show, with great quotes like “the fivesome got to grips with a juicy groove right from the start, and didn't let it go again for an hour” and “it had been a long time since we'd seen him and his band play so deliciously tightly” to top it all off!
Whereas they were still busy chasing ‘Spine Of God’-songs through the speakers of the AB in December ’12 (and doing that “tight as”, according to Cutting Edge), the Magnets now return with new material from their upcoming album ‘Last Patrol’ (the ninth already). “A return to the roots, full-on psychedelic space-rock with a 60’s garage feel, a kind of space-noir, tales of cosmic revenge, peaking libidos, alienation and epic strangeness”. He's still a strange bird, that Wyndorf, but ‘The Duke (Of Supernature)’ is course-grained desert-rock at its best, from Mr. Space Lord in the best form of his life. Impressive band, impressive material!
Japan's Church Of Misery immerses its dark lyrics about serial killers and mass murderers in a pool of doom-metal and psychedelica. Kamikaze-metal as it were, that could already be heard at a number of editions of cult festival Roadburn, in The Netherlands. They'll be bringing their fifth album, with the catchy title ‘Thy Kingdom Scum’ (on Metal Blade), with them to Brussels as support to Monster Magnet.