Progressive Aussies launch third LP 'Asymmetry'
Tool. There, we've said it and now we're not going to mention it again. The Aussies from progressive rock/metal band Karnivool are sometimes considered to be the little brother to of ‘that of which we shall no longer speak’ but such comparisons bear witness to giant blinkers and a far too quickly cut corner!
You can hardly call the five from Karnivool 'big writers', what with three albums in 16 years, but once you hear their albums you completely understand why the guys take their time. Each song is a musical painting, with complex rhythms, layered moody guitar parts and deep, emotional lyrics with ditto vocals. No fast, easily digestible snacks but songs that only yield their secrets piecemeal and dig deeper and deeper with each listen.
‘Asymmetry’, that the former Nirvana-coverband worked on for four years, is expected in stores on July 19 and first single ‘We Are’ is certainly one with a drum rhythm to sink your teeth into. entirely worthy of the Karnivool seal!
Bam! A series of instrumental post-metal headbutts from Lichtervelde in West Flanders, all packed onto debut ‘Essay On Bentham’, as opener for Karnivool. The four young guys are known as MIAVA - acronym for the silliest band name in years: Maria Isn’t A Virgin Anymore - and they convince on their first longplayer with ingenious stoner mixed with post-metal and sludge influences! Phenomenal production too, by Ace Zec (former drummer of Customs), who also swivelled dials for albums by Diablo Blvd, Spoil Engine and The Setup in his Oceanside Studio in Ostende.