Jett Rebel presents ‘Truck’
A Liveurope concert:
The first pan-European initiative supporting concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European music.
Jett Rebel, Since debut-EPs ‘Venus’, ‘Mars’ and full-album debut ‘Hits For Kids’ , things have been going great for northern neighbour and musical-prodigy/multi-instrumentalist Jelte Tuinstra. He’s already had a soul/funk taste of prestigious festivals like Lowlands, Pinkpop, North Sea Jazz Festival and after full club tour of the likes of Paradiso, Melkweg and Tivoli, he even managed to fill Amsterdam’s Heineken Music Hall (comparable with our Lotto Arena in Antwerp) all by himself.
Here too, Rebel has already managed to win a heap of music-loving hearts. With well-filled shows in Trix, Depot, Muziekodroom and Vooruit… while his singles ‘Tonight’, ‘Pineapple Morning’ and ‘Louise’ were played plentifully on Belgian radio stations.
Jett will be moving into a higher gear in 2016, with three releases in one year, and (22/01) ‘Truck’ will be the first in this triptych. On it, he pays absolutely no attention whatsoever to any rules or unwritten laws of pop music: “Er zijn tegenwoordig zo veel bands die muziek maken die precies klinkt zoals de massa het wil horen. Deze bands passen hun muziek aan, om groter te kunnen worden. Ik doe dat niet, ik kan dat niet, ik maak wat ik zélf wil en ik ben fucking dankbaar dat er een publiek is dat mij deze vrijheid geeft.”