For fans of Sun Kil Moon and This Mortal Coil
In 2012 Tu Fawning played their last concert. After 5 years of intensive touring and a few releases on City Slang, the band threw in the towel. At the same time, after 8 years, the relationship between Joe Haege and Corrina Repp (the founding members of the band) came to an end.
Repp withdrew to a small apartment in Portland, Oregon, put her instruments away and went to look after plants and work in a restaurant.
In January 2014 she started writing music again and a few months later she ducked into the studio with Peter Broderick to record this new material. The album, The Pattern Of Electricity, was released earlier this year and is a true masterpiece.
This fall, Corrina Repp will be touring Europe with her album and she will also make a stop at Huis23. The perfect opportunity to see this impressive artist at work in a unique setting.
all seats are taken for this concert