Unique duo presents new work after residency in AB Salon
Working between performance and music, meditation and movement, Ezra Fieremans is an internationally renowned artist and 'co-conspirator' of a large number of collectives working on dance, sound and space. Ezra will play the piano in the AB Salon on 19 September.
Based in Brussels, Greek/American experimental filmmaker and composer Christina Vantzou works with space, sound and image around themes of curiosity and refinement. Over the past fifteen years, she has developed a unique audiovisual language. Vantzou has already released four albums with ambient-classical music (Kranky), we know her from the duo CV&JAB and she has developed her own form of graphic music notation that is influenced by abstract minimalists. She also collaborated with Mark Linkous (Sparklehorse), co-founded The Dead Texan, made surreal videos/abstract films and performed with various ensembles on four continents.