Mali quality - Womex & Babel Med star!
Bassekou Kouyate was already a highlight of both Womex and Babel Med, those two leading world-music expositions.
From Mali in West Africa, you can hear that, and so also active aside Toumani Diabate and Ali Farka Touré. But also to be heard with Afrocubism, Béla Fleck, Paul McCartney, Taj Mahal... and (of course) Damon Albarn.
Driving, luxuriantly layered world-music based upon the 'ngoni'. Diverse ngoni's actually, as this local lute comes in all shapes and sounds.
Add to that the immense voice of Mrs Kouyate, Amy Sacko, and you get an extremely heart-warming and appealing mix.
By the way, it is BaSsekOu KOuyaTe & Ngoni ba in full. Indeed, written just so, on the latest CD 'Jama ko' at least (still on the 'out/here' label).