On the road with all the greatest hits!
“If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman”. 13 Years after worldwide hit ‘Kryptonite’, 3 Doors Down is still smoothly circling in the highest echelons of pop-rock. Their post-grunge debut ‘The Better Life’ passed the register about six million times in 2000 and five albums later, their latest ‘Time Of My Life’ dates from ’11, the three from Mississippi are on to a greatest hits world tour. The collector's album that got this tour started has been in record stores since November ’12. It bundles the best of the last fifteen years (‘Loser’, ‘Here Without You’, ‘When I’m gone’) and is completed by three new songs, including new single ‘One Light’. Frontman Brad Arnold's band thereby proves itself to still be capable of more-than-relevant power-rock.
The gents effortlessly charmed a packed Trix in Antwerp in February ’12 and, what with that series of hits up their sleeve, it'll be the same story again in AB, back after ten years. In Studio Brussel's 'Afrekening 2000', broadcast in late 2009, it was apparent that they're still popular here: where 3 Doors Down headed the chart for Biggest Afrekening-Hits of the Decenium, with ‘Kryptonite’!