Unique project with Iceland's enchanting Emiliana Torrini
Far too few artists are removed from the safety of their comfort zone. So, much respect is due to Iceland's Emiliana Torrini who will be leaving her regular backing band at home and surrounding herself with the locals of The Colorist. Torrini took on the challenge of having her own songs reworked by the pivotal figures of The Colorist: Aarich Jespers (Zita Swoon) and Kobe Proesmans (Gabriel Rios).
Torrini will, of course, play her own main role within that context. Her enchanting and unctuous voice being the point of focus. So we're curious how ‘Jungle Drum’, ‘Sunny Road’ or ‘Big Jumps’ will sound in the hands of The Colorist that, for ease of explanation, we will describe as a sort of live re-mix-back-up band.
Our bet for the end result: surprising but yet familiar.