An all-consuming cyclone of brutally battering metal
On ‘Memorial’, instrumental band Russian Circles mixes the characteristic epic post-metal with a dark, melodious chunk of black metal à la Deafheaven. The extreme outbursts of roaring guitars and thundering drums were kept on course by producer Brian Curtis (Interpol, Secret Machines) again and the trio's fifth issue saw the light of the moon via the splendid Sargent House label (Deafheaven, Chelsea Wolfe, Red Fang).
Russian Circles mashes you to a pulp live - via their uniquely brutal sound combined with refined, atmospheric melodies – and, in doing so, they compete with iconic bands like Neurosis, Isis, Pelican and Godflesh for the post-metal crown. We have no other option than to allow ourselves to be engulfed by the all-consuming cyclone of brutally battering metal to be unleashed by Russian Circles in AB.