Folk-rock god, guitar guru, passion prophet
'The finest rock songwriter after Dylan and the best electric guitarist since Hendrix.' according to Los Angeles Times!?
Richard Thompson's new album will be released on June 23rd, produced by Jeff Tweedy. Check out the song 'Beatnik walking' via this link.
Finally, after almost five years, back in AB. We expect him with his Electric Trio. As there happens to be an 'Electric' CD just released. After forty or so releases, from Fairport Convention, or with 'his' Linda, up to and including witty projects like '1,000 Years Of Popular Music'...
And for those who don't believe the L.A. Times, a few local connoisseurs below too!
Marc Didden in De Morgen about Richard once solo: 'een meer dan wondermooi optreden dat ons van de diepste diepten van het Keltische folkgebeuren naar de barre olievelden van Bagdad gidste en dat zonder de kleine uitstapjes te vergeten naar hoogtepunten ...